Disk Space in Cloud Web Hosting
All of our cloud web hosting packages were made with the concept that shortage of disk space shouldn't be a thing that should stop the progress of your web sites. For this reason we have taken an approach which is distinct from the one that most hosting suppliers use - instead of creating all of the accounts on a single server and eventually not having enough disk space, we employ a cloud hosting platform in which the storage is taken care of by a whole cluster of servers. That's why, we can always attach more machines when they are needed and / or more hard disk drives, in order to provide more disk space for all the files of our users. Separate clusters handle your e-mail messages and the databases, consequently not only can you increase the size of your sites without worrying about space, but also the servers will perform better and faster because every service has its own space for storing and an individual server does not handle various types of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
With our semi-dedicated server packages, the hdd capacity feature is unrestricted, so you will be able to direct your attention to building your web sites the way you like and never be worried about reaching a restriction. Unlike many hosting providers that create accounts on a single server, we employ an in-house made cloud platform, which enables us to provide truly limitless hdd storage for each and every account. With just a single machine, there's a restricted number of HDDs which you can use, not mentioning that the most common hosting Control Panels are not made to function with a large number of servers concurrently. Our system, on the other hand, uses clusters of servers for the website emails, databases and files, plus our in-house Hepsia Control Panel was created to work with it. We'll add as many servers to any of the clusters as needed at any given time, so that the hdd space is virtually unlimited.
Disk Space in VPS Servers
The disk space that we supply with our VPS servers differs based on the package that you pick when you register. By using a more powerful server, you are able to efficiently operate a number of web sites, that means extra content, thus the higher the VPS package, the more disk storage you'll have available. Switching from one plan to another will take just a few clicks and it doesn't involve any kind of service disruption. Your site databases, files and emails will share the overall amount of space the server has, still if you'd rather to get fixed allocations, you can pick cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during your ordering process. Either of the tools will enable you to make web hosting accounts with restricted disk space and if needed, even to allocate space from one account to another. With the third choice that you will find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domains will share the storage space.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
With the hard disk storage space that we provide with all our Linux dedicated servers, we warrant that you can operate any type of web site whatever its overall size. You will get no less than 500 GB storage, which you're able to take advantage of as you see fit - even for personal file storage. By default, you'll be given two hard drives, that can be employed independently, in order to take advantage of their total storage space, or they can be connected in RAID and one will be a duplicate the other in real time to guarantee that you'll not lose precious info in the event of a hardware malfunction. You're also given the option to include extra disks and increase the full hard disk storage for your use even more. This allows you to create a file or image depository portal without a problem if you would like. With the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we provide, you'll be able to create an individual account for every single domain name that you host on the server and pre-set an allowance for the space it can use. If you pick the 3rd solution, our in-house Hepsia Control Panel, all of your domains will be operated in a single and they will share the whole server disk storage.