Ubuntu is a popular desktop Operating System, that uses the Linux kernel, and its server version is getting pretty popular as well. The reason is the fact that the OS is extremely light and it can run on almost any hardware with no issues, utilizing its resources to the fullest. Ubuntu is also pretty reliable and secure and all the Long-Term Support (LTS) releases are supported for at least five years, which guarantees that you should have a secure and stable software environment on your website hosting server at all times. In addition, Ubuntu has one of the largest user communities globally, so if you experience any issue or have any question, you will find numerous resources online. Among the main benefits of this OS is the fact that it comes with numerous software packages which can be freely modified in accordance with your needs and the needs of the apps which you need to run, not to mention that you won't have to pay any kind of license fees at all. In contrast, other Operating Systems are paid and their code isn't accessible, thus it can't be changed.

Ubuntu in VPS Servers

With all of our VPS web hosting plans, you'll be able to choose the Ubuntu Operating System from the order page. We recognize the fact that some programs have particular requirements in terms of the OS they can be set up on, so you can select from the 32-bit and the 64-bit edition of Ubuntu. You can also choose if the VPS should include the Hepsia Control Panel or with no Control Panel at all. In the first case, you will get everything you'll need pre-installed - MySQL, e-mail server, FTP, etcetera. software, and you are able to make everything from your web browser, however the root access is limited; while in the second case, you'll get Ubuntu as well as the Apache server software only, which means that you are able to set up anything freely thanks to the full root access that you'll be given, yet the server management tasks are performed through a console. Our admins will monitor your VPS and upgrade the Ubuntu installation weekly if you add the optional Managed Services bundle which we offer.

Ubuntu in Dedicated Servers

We offer Ubuntu with each of our dedicated server plans and if you need this Operating System, you're able to pick the 32-bit or the 64-bit edition with just a click on the registration page. We offer two versions, to ensure that the hosting server meets the requirements of the software that you wish to set up. The full root admission to the server will enable you to set up any other software, because the only pre-installed application will be the Apache web server. You're able to access the server securely from a console, yet in case you would like to use a web interface, you can install any Control Panel that can run on an Ubuntu-powered machine. If you want to concentrate your efforts on the content and not on server management tasks, you can add our Managed Services upgrade and we will handle a number of tasks for you, among them once a week Operating System updates.